
New Version of Key Account Management

Since 2019, many Merlin Project users have found the template for key account management very exciting. The template is constantly in the top 10 of our project management templates.

We also still use the template for our partners, special prospects & customers, as well as our service providers. However, over the last 5 years we have made some small but subtle changes to our system.

Let us show you these improvements. You can download the new template for free.

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Publié par Frank Blome le 08.03.2024 dans Gestion de projet
Mots-clés: leads key account management sales merlin-project

How to Write a Project Proposal?

A project proposal is a document that outlines the core values of your project and sells it to stakeholders. Put simply, it shows what the project is about, why it makes sense, what you want to achieve with it and how you will get there. Writing a project proposal is generally the first step in the project management process.

A project proposal can contain a list of activities or tasks that will be associated with the project. However, it does not go into as much detail as a project plan. Instead, the project proposal contains more marketing elements for the project.

Even if you have not established a suggestion scheme for projects in your company, there are many reasons why you should think about it:

  • to win a new customer,
  • to secure funding,
  • to convince management
  • to allocate resources to an initiative
  • to have a working document for a detailed project proposal,
  • and much more.
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Dites bonjour à adoc Studio

adoc Studio

Nous y sommes enfin. Notre nouveau produit adoc Studio entre en phase de bêta-test public !

Au cours des deux dernières années, nous avons commencé un nouveau projet en plus de Merlin Project. Non, ce n'est pas tout à fait exact. En fait, nous avons commencé il y a environ 10 ans, car c'est la durée depuis laquelle nous écrivons nos manuels et tous les documents publics en AsciiDoc.

Aujourd'hui, nous vous présentons adoc Studionotre outil pour tous les documents techniques !

Qu'est-ce que adoc Studio ?

adoc Studio est un nouvel environnement d'écriture intégré pour tous types de textes structurés. Profitez de toute la puissance d'AsciiDoc - directement sur votre Mac, iPad et iPhone.

La fenêtre principale d'adoc Studio
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Publié par Frank Blome le 01.02.2024 dans Produits
Mots-clés: technique écriture asciidoc auteur

40 Years of Macintosh
A (My) Personal Review

It's that time again. It's the Apple Macintosh's birthday again. It's now its 40th birthday - a special anniversary. I don't like to admit it, but most of the time in history I have somehow used the computer, or not. But read for yourself.

Before the Macintosh

Welcome IBM Ad

After Steve Wozniak's groundbreaking tinkering, which was introduced by and as the Apple Computer in 1976, Apple sold the Apple II very successfully from 1977. The second version, the Apple II+, was released when IBM introduced its PC in 1981. With more than a wink, Apple greeted the former typewriter manufacturer with a full-page advertisement.

But by then, an important step had already been taken: Steve Jobs visited the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) with a team for the first time in 1979 and was particularly impressed by one idea: Operating a graphical user interface with the mouse.

However, it would be another four years before the Lisa appeared as a mouse-operated computer in 1983. Although it offered groundbreaking functions such as the graphical interface and the drag & drop option, it remained commercially unsuccessful due to its high price of over $10,000.

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Publié par Frank Blome le 18.01.2024 dans Interne
Mots-clés: history macintosh

Maîtriser les projets : un nouvel aspect chaque mois

Prêt pour votre prochain jalon ?

Bienvenue sur notre blog ! Nous espérons que votre année a commencé en beauté. Préparez-vous à une année passionnante avec nous ! Chaque mois, nous nous plongerons dans des sujets qui passionneront aussi bien les utilisateurs expérimentés de Merlin Project que les novices en matière de gestion de projet. Notre objectif ? Allier des connaissances approfondies à des idées fraîches pour vous offrir, à vous les "vétérans" expérimentés comme aux débutants curieux, des perspectives et des inspirations précieuses. Préparez-vous à une année de connaissances et de découvertes !

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Merlin Project sur Mac et iPad

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